Aromatherapy Oils: All You Need to Know

What are Aromatherapy oils? 

Aromatherapy oils, also known as essential oils, are concentrated extracts derived from plants, flowers, and herbs. These oils hold therapeutic properties and are central to the practice of aromatherapy, promoting overall well-being. They are extracted through methods like steam distillation or cold pressing, preserving the plants' fragrances and medicinal benefits.

Key features of aromatherapy oils:

- Alleviate stress and anxiety

- Enhance relaxation

- Address various health concerns

- Used in massages, diffusers, and baths for therapeutic effects

- Foster a harmonious connection between the mind and body

Different Types of Aromatherapy Oils

Aromatherapy oils encompass a diverse range of options, each with unique properties and applications. The three major types of Aromatherapy Oils are: 

  • Essential Oils 
  • Ayurvedic Massage Oils 
  • Carrier Oils

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are concentrated extracts from plants, renowned for their therapeutic properties, often used in aromatherapy oils for holistic well-being. These oils are obtained through methods like steam distillation or cold pressing, preserving the plants' aromatic compounds and medicinal benefits.

- Therapeutic Power: Essential oils carry potent therapeutic properties that can address various health concerns.

- Application in Aromatherapy: Widely used in aromatherapy practices, essential oils promote relaxation, stress relief, and overall mental well-being.

- Diverse Sources: Essential oils are derived from a variety of plants, flowers, and herbs, offering a wide range of scents and benefits.

- Versatile Usage: Applied through diffusion, massages, or added to bathwater, essential oils provide versatile options for incorporating their benefits into daily routines.

- Natural Remedies: Many essential oils are celebrated for their natural healing properties, serving as alternatives to synthetic products for health and wellness.

List of Essential Oils and Their Benefits

- Rosemary: Known for enhancing focus and concentration, often used in aromatherapy to promote mental clarity.

- Green Tea: Offers a calming effect, commonly incorporated into aromatherapy oils for relaxation and stress reduction.

- Frankincense: Renowned for its grounding properties, frequently found in aromatherapy to promote a sense of tranquillity.

- Vetiver: Known for its earthy aroma, vetiver is utilised in aromatherapy to evoke a sense of grounding and stability.

- White Sage: Valued for its purifying qualities, often included in aromatherapy to cleanse and refresh spaces.

- Patchouli: Exhibits a calming and balancing influence, commonly used in aromatherapy oils for relaxation and emotional well-being.

- Peppermint: Refreshing and invigorating, peppermint is a popular choice in aromatherapy to stimulate the mind and body.

- Palo Santo: Recognized for its uplifting properties, often used in aromatherapy oils to promote a positive atmosphere.

- Lemon: Known for its energising and cleansing effects, lemon is a versatile addition to aromatherapy oils.

- Lemongrass: Offers a citrusy and refreshing aroma, commonly used in aromatherapy for its invigorating qualities.

- Orange: Known for its uplifting and mood-boosting properties, orange is a popular choice in aromatherapy oils.

- Ginger: Warming and comforting, ginger is used in aromatherapy to create a soothing atmosphere.

- Eucalyptus: Known for its respiratory benefits, often found in aromatherapy oils to promote clear breathing.

- Lavender: Celebrated for its calming and soothing properties, lavender is a staple in aromatherapy for relaxation.

- Bergamot: Known for its citrusy and uplifting aroma, bergamot is commonly used in aromatherapy oils to elevate mood.

- Cinnamon: Exhibits a warm and spicy fragrance, commonly used in aromatherapy for its comforting and stimulating qualities.

- Clove: Renowned for its rich and spicy scent, clove is often included in aromatherapy for a sense of warmth and coziness.

- Citronella: Recognized for its insect-repelling properties, citronella is a popular choice in aromatherapy oils for outdoor use.

- Basil: Known for its invigorating and refreshing scent, basil is used in aromatherapy to promote mental alertness and focus.

What are Ayurvedic massage Oils? 

Ayurvedic Massage Oils play a significant role in holistic well-being. These oils are carefully formulated based on Ayurvedic principles, incorporating herbs and natural ingredients to balance the body's energies. The use of Ayurvedic aromatherapy oils adds a holistic dimension to massages, combining the benefits of touch therapy with the healing properties of these specialised oils.

- Specialised Blends: Ayurvedic Massage Oils are crafted from natural ingredients like herbs, rooted in the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda.


- Dosha Specific: Tailored to specific doshas (body types), these oils aim to restore balance and promote overall well-being.

- Holistic Benefits: Ayurvedic oils nourish the skin, soothe the senses, and enhance the body's energy flow.

- Aromatic Indulgence: In massages, these oils offer a harmonious blend of therapeutic benefits and aromatic indulgence.

- Ancient Wisdom: Aligning with Ayurvedic principles, these oils combine ancient wisdom with the realm of aromatherapy oils.

- Mind-Body Balance: Incorporating Ayurvedic Massage Oils into a routine creates a holistic experience, aligning the mind and body.

List of Ayurvedic Massage Oils and Their Benefits

- Abhyanga Massage Oil: Enriched with nourishing botanicals, Abhyanga Massage Oil not only promotes skin health but also enhances relaxation and rejuvenation through the aromatic experience of aromatherapy oils.

- Wild Orchid, Green Tea, and Cedarwood Massage Oil: This blend combines the soothing properties of green tea, the floral essence of wild orchid, and the grounding aroma of cedarwood, offering a calming and fragrant journey in aromatherapy oils during massages.

- Citrus Massage Oil: Infused with the invigorating essence of citrus fruits, this massage oil energizes the senses while providing the benefits of aromatherapy oils for a revitalizing and refreshing experience.

- Shirodhara Massage Oil: Specifically designed for Shirodhara therapy, this oil not only nourishes the scalp and hair but also induces a sense of tranquility and calmness through the soothing aroma of aromatherapy oils.

- Lavender, Orange, and Bergamot Massage Oil: A harmonious blend of lavender, orange, and bergamot, this massage oil not only promotes relaxation but also offers a delightful aromatic journey, making it a perfect choice for aromatherapy oils enthusiasts.

- Ginger and Turmeric Massage Oil: Infused with the warming properties of ginger and the anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric, this massage oil provides a rejuvenating experience while incorporating the therapeutic essence of aromatherapy oils.

What is carrier oil? 

Carrier oils are another integral category within the realm of aromatherapy oils. These oils serve as a base for diluting essential oils, ensuring safe application on the skin during massages or topical treatments. Common carrier oils include jojoba, almond, and coconut oil, each contributing its unique characteristics to the overall therapeutic experience.

Which oil is best to be used as a carrier oil?

- Jojoba Oil:

  - Popular Choice: Jojoba oil is a common and versatile carrier oil due to its similarity to the skin's natural oils, making it easily absorbed without a greasy feel.

- Sweet Almond Oil:

  - Versatility: Sweet almond oil is a mild and hypoallergenic option, suitable for most skin types, making it a versatile choice for diluting essential oils in various applications.

- Coconut Oil:

  - Solid at Room Temperature: While solid at room temperature, coconut oil becomes liquid with slight warmth, providing a nourishing and moisturising carrier option, especially in warmer climates.

- Grapeseed Oil:

  - Light Texture: Grapeseed oil has a light texture and is rich in antioxidants, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin, and it's often chosen for massage or skincare applications.

Whether diffused in the air, applied during massages, or utilised as carrier agents, these oils contribute to the therapeutic synergy that defines the practice of aromatherapy. Incorporating aromatherapy oils into daily rituals offers a natural and effective means of enhancing both physical and mental health.

Buy Aromatherapy Oils Online

Welcome to Arotatvika, your ultimate destination for premium aromatherapy oils. Dive into a world of natural wellness with our extensive collection of essential oils and Ayurvedic massage oils. Our carefully curated selection brings together the finest ingredients, ensuring that you experience the therapeutic benefits of these aromatic treasures. As you embark on your journey towards holistic well-being, Arotatvika stands as a trusted source for those seeking the highest quality aromatherapy oils.

Discover the richness of essential oils at Arotatvika, where each bottle is a testament to our commitment to purity and authenticity. From the calming notes of lavender to the invigorating scents of citrus, our collection caters to a variety of preferences. Our Ayurvedic massage oils, thoughtfully formulated to balance the doshas, offer a holistic approach to self-care. At Arotatvika, we prioritise your well-being, providing you with a convenient and reliable platform to buy aromatherapy oils online.

Experience the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home with Arotatvika's user-friendly online store. Browse through our diverse range, read about the unique benefits of each oil, and make an informed choice to suit your wellness needs. We ensure secure transactions and prompt delivery, allowing you to embark on your aromatherapy journey without any hassle. Elevate your self-care routine and embrace the natural goodness of aromatherapy oils by choosing Arotatvika as your go-to online destination for premium, authentic, and rejuvenating oils.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • What Aromatherapy Oils are Good for What? 

Aromatherapy oils offer a wide range of benefits, catering to various physical and mental well-being concerns. Here's a brief guide on what aromatherapy oils are good for:

  1. Lavender:

   - Benefits: Calming, promotes relaxation, aids in sleep.

  1. Peppermint:

   - Benefits: Invigorating, improves focus and concentration, alleviates headaches.

  1. Eucalyptus:

   - Benefits: Respiratory support, clears congestion, boosts energy.

  1. Tea Tree:

   - Benefits: Antibacterial, antifungal, supports skin health.

  1. Lemon:

   - Benefits: Uplifting, enhances mood, provides a fresh and clean scent.

  1. Chamomile:

   - Benefits: Soothes anxiety, promotes relaxation, aids in sleep.

  1. Rosemary:

   - Benefits: Improves memory and mental clarity, energizing.

  1. Frankincense:

   - Benefits: Grounding, reduces stress, supports meditation.

  1. Bergamot:

   - Benefits: Mood-boosting, stress relief, promotes relaxation.

  1. Ylang-Ylang:

   - Benefits: Aphrodisiac, balances mood, reduces tension.

  1. Cedarwood:

   - Benefits: Calming, supports sleep, grounding.

  1. Ginger:

   - Benefits: Warming, alleviates nausea, enhances circulation.

  1. Patchouli:

   - Benefits: Relaxing, aphrodisiac, supports skin health.

  1. Orange:

   - Benefits: Uplifting, energizing, reduces anxiety.

  1. Pepper:

   - Benefits: Warming, stimulates circulation, alleviates muscle pain.

Remember, individual responses may vary, and it's essential to consider personal preferences and any potential allergies or sensitivities when using aromatherapy oils. Always dilute essential oils and, when uncertain, consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.

  • How do aromatherapy oils work?

Aromatherapy oils work through the sense of smell and their interaction with the limbic system in the brain, influencing emotions, mood, and physiological responses. Here's a breakdown of how aromatherapy oils work:

  1. Olfactory System:

   - Aromatherapy oils are inhaled through the nose, and the olfactory system detects the scents, sending signals to the brain's olfactory bulb.

  1. Limbic System Activation:

   - The olfactory bulb is directly connected to the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions, memories, and certain physiological functions.

  1. Emotional Response:

   - Aromatherapy oils can trigger emotional responses by influencing the limbic system. For example, calming scents like lavender can induce relaxation, while invigorating scents like peppermint can boost alertness.

  1. Neurotransmitter Release:

   - Inhalation of aromatherapy oils can stimulate the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, contributing to mood enhancement and stress reduction.

  1. Physiological Effects:

   - Some aromatherapy oils have direct physiological effects. For instance, eucalyptus oil can open up the airways, aiding in respiratory issues, while ginger oil may stimulate circulation.

  1. Absorption Through Skin:

   - When diluted in carrier oils, aromatherapy oils can be applied to the skin during massages. The skin absorbs the oils, allowing for systemic effects and localized benefits.

  1. Aromatherapy Diffusers:

   - Aromatherapy oils can be dispersed into the air using diffusers. This method allows for a consistent release of scent, creating a therapeutic atmosphere in a room.

  1. Holistic Well-Being:

   - Through their various pathways of action, aromatherapy oils contribute to holistic well-being by addressing both emotional and physical aspects. They are often used in practices like massage, baths, or diffusions to create a harmonious balance.

Understanding the intricate connection between aromatherapy oils and the body's sensory and emotional systems highlights the holistic nature of this therapeutic practice.

  • Who uses aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a versatile and generally safe practice, suitable for a wide range of individuals. Here's a breakdown of who can benefit from aromatherapy:

  1. Adults:

   - Aromatherapy is commonly used by adults seeking natural ways to manage stress, improve mood, and address various health concerns. It is versatile and can be customized based on individual preferences and needs.

  1. Children:

   - Aromatherapy can be adapted for children, but caution is essential. Dilution of essential oils and selection of child-friendly scents are crucial to ensure safety. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using aromatherapy on children.

  1. Pregnant Women:

   - Pregnant women can use aromatherapy, but certain essential oils should be avoided, especially during the first trimester. Consulting with a healthcare provider is recommended to ensure safety and appropriateness.

  1. Elderly Individuals:

   - Aromatherapy can be beneficial for the elderly to promote relaxation, alleviate stress, and support overall well-being. However, sensitivity to scents may vary, so it's essential to start with mild aromas.

  1. People with Health Conditions:

   - Individuals with specific health conditions, such as respiratory issues, insomnia, or chronic pain, may find relief through aromatherapy. However, consultation with a healthcare professional is advised, especially if integrating aromatherapy into existing treatment plans.

  1. Stressed Individuals:

   - Aromatherapy is widely embraced by those seeking stress relief. Scents like lavender, chamomile, and bergamot are known for their calming effects, making aromatherapy a popular choice for relaxation.

  1. Individuals with Insomnia:

   - Aromatherapy, particularly with calming scents like lavender or chamomile, can be beneficial for individuals struggling with insomnia. Using oils in a diffuser or adding them to a bedtime routine may promote better sleep.

It's crucial to consider individual sensitivities, allergies, and preferences when using aromatherapy. Additionally, pregnant women and those with specific health conditions should seek guidance from healthcare professionals before incorporating aromatherapy into their routine.

  • How to do aromatherapy at home?

Aromatherapy at home can be a simple and enjoyable practice. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do aromatherapy at home:

  1. Choose Essential Oils:

   - Select essential oils based on your preferences and desired effects. Common choices include lavender for relaxation, peppermint for invigoration, and eucalyptus for respiratory support.

  1. Select a Diffuser:

   - Invest in an aromatherapy diffuser. These devices disperse essential oil particles into the air, creating a fragrant and therapeutic atmosphere. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for usage.

  1. Measure and Add Oils:

   - Add water to the diffuser reservoir according to the device's guidelines. Then, add a few drops (typically 3-10 drops) of your chosen essential oil or a blend into the water.

  1. Create a Relaxing Space:

   - Set up a dedicated space for your aromatherapy session. Consider dimming the lights, playing soothing music, or incorporating other relaxation elements to enhance the experience.

  1. Inhale Mindfully:

   - Once the diffuser is running, inhale deeply and mindfully. Focus on the scent and let it fill the room. Practice deep breathing to maximize the benefits.

  1. Aromatherapy Bath:

   - Add a few drops of essential oil to a warm bath for a luxurious aromatherapy experience. Ensure the oil is well-diluted with a carrier oil to prevent skin irritation.

  1. Topical Application:

   - Dilute essential oils with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or sweet almond oil, and apply the mixture to pulse points, temples, or the bottoms of feet for a more direct aromatherapy experience.

  1. Create Personal Blends:

   - Experiment with creating your own blends of essential oils to cater to specific needs. For example, blend lavender and chamomile for a relaxing evening aroma.

  1. Use Aromatherapy Jewelry:

   - Invest in aromatherapy jewelry like diffuser necklaces or bracelets. These accessories allow you to carry the scents with you throughout the day.

  1. Practice Regularly:

    - Incorporate aromatherapy into your routine regularly to experience cumulative benefits. Whether it's part of your morning ritual, evening wind-down, or during stressful moments, consistent practice enhances effectiveness.

Remember to start with a small amount of essential oil and adjust based on your preferences. Be mindful of any potential allergies or sensitivities, and if pregnant or with specific health conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting aromatherapy at home.

  • How do you make aromatherapy oil at home?

Making aromatherapy oil at home involves creating a infused oil with carrier oil and your choice of aromatic ingredients. Here's a simple guide to make aromatherapy oil:


- Carrier Oil (e.g., jojoba, sweet almond, coconut)

- Aromatic Ingredients (e.g., dried herbs, citrus peels, flowers)

- Dark Glass Bottle with a tight-fitting lid

- Cheesecloth or Fine Mesh Strainer


  1. Choose Aromatic Ingredients:

   - Select your preferred aromatic ingredients based on the scents and therapeutic properties you desire. Common choices include lavender, rosemary, chamomile, citrus peels, or dried herbs.

  1. Prepare Aromatic Ingredients:

   - If using fresh herbs or flowers, allow them to dry completely to prevent moisture in the oil. Crush or chop the ingredients to release their essential oils.

  1. Combine Carrier Oil and Aromatics:

   - In a clean, dry glass jar, combine the carrier oil with the chosen aromatic ingredients. The ratio of carrier oil to aromatic ingredients depends on personal preference, but a general guideline is to cover the botanicals with oil.

  1. Infusion Period:

   - Seal the jar tightly and place it in a cool, dark place for several weeks to allow the oil to infuse with the scents and properties of the chosen ingredients. Shake the jar occasionally to promote even infusion.

  1. Strain the Oil:

   - After the infusion period, strain the oil using a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer to separate the carrier oil from the botanicals. Squeeze the cloth to extract as much oil as possible.

  1. Bottle the Oil:

   - Transfer the infused oil into a dark glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Dark glass helps protect the oil from light, preserving its quality.

  1. Label and Store:

   - Label the bottle with the date and the ingredients used. Store the aromatherapy oil in a cool, dark place to maintain its potency.

  1. Test and Adjust:

   - Before widespread use, perform a patch test to ensure there are no adverse reactions. Adjust the strength of the aromatherapy oil by diluting it with more carrier oil if needed.

Remember to research the specific properties of the chosen aromatic ingredients, as different botanicals offer various therapeutic benefits. Experimenting with different combinations allows you to create a personalized aromatherapy oil tailored to your preferences and needs.

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